Alert on: Rania Battany & Fleeting Moments

Fleeting Moments

Maya is floundering. She’s stuck in a dead-end job, is isolated from family and friends, and her father—the only person that ever truly understood her—has been gone four years. When her boyfriend leaves her for another woman, the rocky foundations of Maya’s life crumble to dust, and she sinks even further into the pit of grief and despair.

Until she meets him. Sam. The one with the animated smile and gentle eyes, who always sees the positive no matter how bad the negative. And the one who reignites Maya’s passion through his enthusiasm and zest, helping to rebuild her life, piece by piece. 

But when ghosts from Maya’s past resurface, her decisions almost destroy the few important relationships she has left, and the happiness she’s so recently found is threatened. She must overcome her demons and decide what matters most—the familiarity of the past, or the hope, love and possibilities of the future.

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If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?

That I can! I can write a book! But it will be so much hard work. I would tell myself to stop comparing my writing style with others and to just sit down and write.

How did publishing your first book change your process of writing?

I began to think more like an editor and a reader as well as an author. I was much more aware of editing issues such as redundant words and credibility. I thought about where my book would “sit” in the romance world and was much more conscious to write to a specific reading market.

What was the best money you ever spent as a writer?

Hiring my first editor. Prior to that, I had absolutely no idea about crucial aspects of writing such as point of view slips, redundant words, active tense writing etc. She made me realise that there is so much more to writing than just being able to write well. She introduced the rules of fiction writing. Receiving my first assessment back from her and then going onto re-writing my manuscript was the steepest learning curve I’ve had in this whole journey so far.

What authors did you dislike at first but grew into?

I can’t think of any! If I dislike an author once, I never go back to reading another book of theirs.

Tell us a bit about your book.

FLEETING MOMENTS is a tender and heart-wrenching exploration of the difficulty in dealing with grief and loss. A few days before her thirtieth birthday, Maya’s long-term boyfriend leaves her. She has lost connection with her family, and her father has been gone four years. Then she meets Sam, a man who has an infectious smile and bright personality, and she learns how to rebuild her life. Maya’s story reminds us that, by being brave enough to connect deeply with others, we can learn to find the light during the darkest times of our lives.

Rania Battany lives with her husband and three children in the beautiful Yarra Ranges, Victoria, Australia. When she isn’t getting her hands dirty in the garden, frolicking with her chickens or dog, or chasing after her three young children, she is writing contemporary romance novels that tug at the heartstrings or curled up with a cup of tea and a book.
Rania Battany on the web:

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  1. Welcome to Hot New Release Alert, Rania!

  2. This looks like an interesting story. And I like the cover. Congrats on the new book.

  3. That sounds like she went through a lot in her life but that she ends up happy.

  4. Great interview and I love the cover for this!

  5. The cover looks great, I should go for some book shopping this week☺

  6. What a wonderful title.
    Congratulations Rania.

  7. Your book has all the good "ingredients" for a romantic bestseller: love, desertion, daily struggle, happy ending etc..
    Congrats on the book's release, and Good Luck with it!

  8. This sounds like my kind of book! Going on my TBR for sure!

  9. A great cover and the book sounds like it will pull at my heartstrings. Definitely sounds great! :)

    I can relate to writing more with an editing brain now that I have published two books (still have a long way to go though, as there are always a ton of edits).

    Wishing Rania the best of luck!

  10. Inspiring advice for wannabe writers! Good editing makes a huge difference to the reading experience

  11. This sounds like such a wonderful love story. Congrats!

    1. Thank you so much. It's an emotion packed love story that's for sure!

  12. Ahhh, Sam sounds like a sweetie!

    Neat to get to know Rania better. Thanks!

    1. Sam is such a sweetie! I think I fell a bit in love with him! hehe :)
      Thanks so much for your comment!

  13. That is a good piece of advice "stop comparing my writing style with others"
